Archive for August, 2016

This Week in Career Advice: Job Hunting Tips & Tricks

This Week in Career Advice: Job Hunting Tips & Tricks

This week focused on the job-hunting process, from continuing your job search after accepting a job, to deciphering job descriptions. 

This Week in Career Advice: Why You Should Never Give Your Salary Information

This Week in Career Advice: Why You Should Never Give Your Salary Information

Asking for your previous salary has almost become commonplace among recruiters, however revealing this information can be damaging to your future career, so says Liz Ryan of Forbes Magazine. In addition to giving up any leverage you possess, Ryan argues that revealing your current salary information gives your potential new employer permission to determine your value […]

This Week In Career Advice: Lowball Salary Offers & Why You’re Underpaid

This Week In Career Advice: Lowball Salary Offers & Why You’re Underpaid

This week was all about salary: when to walk away from a low salary, why you’re being paid so little, and how to deal with a boss who limits your salary based on their own.

Financial Career Advice

Financial Career Advice

Every week, the Employment Blog revisits the week’s top career articles. This week, we review the signs you’re in a fake interview, contextual answers on quitting your job, and the moment a candidate realizes they could never work for a potential employer!