Tag: Financial Interview Answers

Financial Interview Question – Why has it Taken You so Long to Find a Job?

Financial Interview Question – Why has it Taken You so Long to Find a Job?

This is a hard one to answer but a little thought ahead of time will let you deal with it. It’s difficult to believe that employers are still asking this type of question. Don’t they read the newspapers or listen to the news? If they were informed, they would know the answer; i.e. jobs are […]

Financial Job Interview Question: What Did You Like Least About Your Last Job?

Financial Job Interview Question: What Did You Like Least About Your Last Job?

Be careful on answering what you ‘didn’t like out your last job, company, employer, etc. You don’t want to come off negative. This question is somewhat of a trap, because it asks for a negative answer. If you haven’t given it some thought, you may blurt out something about your boss or the company, and […]

Financial Interview Question – What Are Your Weaknesses?

Financial Interview Question – What Are Your Weaknesses?

How should you answer the age old questions…What are your weaknesses? Michael Neece puts things in perspective. What Are Your Weaknesses? By: Michael R. Neece, CEO Interview Mastery Conventional advice recommends you respond to this question by stating a weakness that is really a positive or translating a weakness into a positive like “I’m a […]

Financial Interview Question – How Much Do You Want to Make?

Financial Interview Question – How Much Do You Want to Make?

What number should I tell the interviewer?? When companies ask you about your last salary they are trying to screen you out. This is a high risk moment and hence you want to delay the salary discussion for later in the hiring process. The representative from the company is trying to make sure there is […]

The Impromptu Financial Phone Interview – What do you do?

The Impromptu Financial Phone Interview – What do you do?

What do you do when the phone rings and they want to do a phone interview on the spot. Thinking about this ahead of time can give you the edge. The phone rings just as you are about to sit down for dinner, but this time it’s not a pesky telemarketer – it’s a company […]

Financial Job Interview Question – Why Did You Leave?

Financial Job Interview Question – Why Did You Leave?

What are the right ways and wrongs ways to tell a perspective employer why you left your old job? The Inevitable Job Interview Question: “Why Did You Leave (Are Planning To Leave) Your Last Position?” and How to Deal With It. This is a question that you can almost count on being asked at your […]

Financial-Interview Question – What are Your Long Term Career Goals?

Financial-Interview Question – What are Your Long Term Career Goals?

This open-ended question, and others like; “Where do you see yourself in five years?” throw most candidates off balance. The object of the question is to check for your self-awareness and communication skills. Dan Harrison is the staffing manager for Wesco Corporation and is about to interview three candidates for a project manager position. He […]

Did You Lose Your Financial Job?

Did You Lose Your Financial Job?

How do you explain how you lost your job. This article does a good job of helping you find the best way to explain. If you’ve lost your job – or are going to lose your job – the last thing that you want to talk about is “why” you lost your job. In fact, […]

Sell Yourself to a Financial Interviewer by Solving His/Her Problem

Sell Yourself to a Financial Interviewer by Solving His/Her Problem

Find out what their problem is and become the solution. Ask questions to find out how you can help the interviewer accomplish what they need to get done. Then tell them how you can help in that regard.

What to Say Regarding Hard to Explain Aspects of Your Financial Work History.

What to Say Regarding Hard to Explain Aspects of Your Financial Work History.

Read this article if you might have trouble explaining why you were out of work, staying at home or are changing careers. Nobody’s perfect. But nobody wants to hear about your problems and baggage either. Especially in the job interview. Some people’s lives begin to sound like a Soap Opera because there have been so […]