Interview Questions

Financial Interview Question – Why has it Taken You so Long to Find a Job?

Financial Interview Question – Why has it Taken You so Long to Find a Job?

This is a hard one to answer but a little thought ahead of time will let you deal with it. It’s difficult to believe that employers are still asking this type of question. Don’t they read the newspapers or listen to the news? If they were informed, they would know the answer; i.e. jobs are […]

Financial Job Interview Question: What Did You Like Least About Your Last Job?

Financial Job Interview Question: What Did You Like Least About Your Last Job?

Be careful on answering what you ‘didn’t like out your last job, company, employer, etc. You don’t want to come off negative. This question is somewhat of a trap, because it asks for a negative answer. If you haven’t given it some thought, you may blurt out something about your boss or the company, and […]

How To Answer “Tell Me About Yourself?”

How To Answer “Tell Me About Yourself?”

Walk into any interview, and you’re likely to hear this question: “Tell me about yourself?”

Financial Interview Question – How Much Do You Want to Make?

Financial Interview Question – How Much Do You Want to Make?

What number should I tell the interviewer?? When companies ask you about your last salary they are trying to screen you out. This is a high risk moment and hence you want to delay the salary discussion for later in the hiring process. The representative from the company is trying to make sure there is […]

Resume Help

Choose the Right Words for Your Financial Resume and Interview

Choose the Right Words for Your Financial Resume and Interview

Sometimes choosing the correct words in your resume and during an interview can make all the difference. The words you use to express yourself say more about you than you think. In fact, your vocabulary and the use of appropriate words say more about you than the message you are trying communicate. You are judged […]

Don’t Worry About the “One-Page Financial Resume Rule”

Don’t Worry About the “One-Page Financial Resume Rule”

Contrary to what your college professor said, the one-page resume rule is a myth. Contrary to what your college professor said, the one-page resume rule is a myth. Unfortunately, many listen to this outdated advice and devise ways to cram a complete professional history into one sheet. So much so that most job seekers expand […]

Customize Your Financial Resume for Today’s Job Search

Customize Your Financial Resume for Today’s Job Search

The résumé that landed you a job five or ten years ago may no longer be as effective as it once was, especially if it was the “one size fits all” type. In order to conduct a successful job search, it’s essential that you custom fit your document to the targeted position and its challenges. […]

How Good Does Your Financial Resume Look?

How Good Does Your Financial Resume Look?

This is the second in a series of articles highlighting principles for writing a sparkling resume. Each article presents one or more keys to creating a professional and effective resume that generates interviews. How Resumes are Read Resumes are rarely read. Resumes are first scanned, usually by HR (Human Resources) or the internal recruiter. Resumes […]

More Articles

What to Say Regarding Hard to Explain Aspects of Your Financial Work History.

What to Say Regarding Hard to Explain Aspects of Your Financial Work History.

Read this article if you might have trouble explaining why you were out of work, staying at home or are changing careers. Nobody’s perfect. But nobody wants to hear about your problems and baggage either. Especially in the job interview. Some people’s lives begin to sound like a Soap Opera because there have been so […]

Financial Career Advice: Overcome Shyness and Lead

Financial Career Advice: Overcome Shyness and Lead

Being shy in a management position can be difficult. Those who suffer from shyness tend to be uncomfortable in large groups of people and tend to avoid conflict – two scenarios difficult to avoid with a team of individuals answering to you.

Career Advice: Workplace Wedding Etiquette

Career Advice: Workplace Wedding Etiquette

It’s wedding season and Ask A Manager’s Alison Green has all (and we mean all) of your workplace wedding-related questions answered! Over at The Cut, Alison answers the wedding questions she gets every year, including whether you‘re obligated to attend your coworker’s wedding, whether you’re expected to invite coworkers to your wedding, and how much […]

Career Advice: Getting Fired During Your Vacation

Can you get fire while you’re away on vacation? A reader named Nelson asks Forbes’ Liz Ryan:

Career Advice: How Often Should You Follow Up?

Career Advice: How Often Should You Follow Up?

When a job interviewer invites you to keep in touch, how often should you follow-up?