Archive for September, 2016

Go Ahead, Discuss Your Salary at Work

Go Ahead, Discuss Your Salary at Work

Many employees are surprised to learn that discussing your salary with coworkers isn’t illegal. Instead, the opposite is encouraged to help you negotiate a better salary.

This Week in Career Advice: “Tell Me Why You’re Leaving Your Current Job”

This Week in Career Advice: “Tell Me Why You’re Leaving Your Current Job”

For such a commonly asked interview question, answering why you’re leaving your current role can be one of the most difficult and uncomfortable questions to address.

This Week in Career Advice: The Value of Exit Interviews

This Week in Career Advice: The Value of Exit Interviews

How honest should you be in an exit interview, especially if you need to stay on good terms with a company in order to potentially secure a positive employment reference in the future?

This Week in Career Advice: Why You Need to Consider a Passive Recruitment Strategy

This Week in Career Advice: Why You Need to Consider a Passive Recruitment Strategy

Finding a job is time-consuming. Between looking through financial job boards, researching hiring managers and filling out often-lengthy applications, a proper job hunt can literally eat away hours of your free time every single week. That’s why adopting a passive recruitment strategy is a solid approach every job-hunter should use when seeking new opportunities, according […]